Tierney Blog

IN AG Refuses to Stay Quiet in the Face of Rascist Attack on Indiana Born Federal Judge

While almost all Indiana GOP office holders have chosen to remain silent in the face of a racist assault on a federal judge, the AG has shown his characteristic courage by speaking up in a thoughtful and balanced way when he noted: “As officers of the court, all lawyers have an obligation to maintain respect for our courts and judges. Even when we lose a case and disagree with a court’s ruling, we lawyers should not mock the judge nor cast aspersions about any judge’s fairness. If a litigant believes a court’s ruling was incorrectly decided, then they should appeal. My critique is not a political denunciation in the campaign sense; I am speaking not as a Republican but as an officer of the court in defending our legal system. Lawyers should refute rhetoric that undermines public trust in our American system of justice. This is not political, and Republicans have no more obligation than anyone else to be heard on this matter.”