State AG races are ‘where the action is’ this fall

‘Ever since tobacco [litigation in the 1990s], the AGs have become national figures.… Even a small state AG can impact a national corporation. So if the AG of Maine decides that Dunkin’ Donuts [for example] is doing something wrong … then that gets on the Internet and Dunkin’ Donut franchisees all over the country get nervous because of what somebody did in Maine.’

‘And because the economy is integrated, does it really make any difference whether it is an assistant AG in Connecticut or an assistant AG in Missouri who looks at Dunkin’ Donuts? The answer is no.’

‘So with that integration at work, the question is what is actually happening here [with races for state attorneys general getting more play and attention, and more partisan],’ Tierney added. ‘There may be much less there than meets the eye.’

Kirk Victor, “State AG races are ‘where the action is’ this fall,” FTCWatch, Issue 946 (newsletter), September 17, 2018.