Week 12 – April 15, 2019
The Role of State Attorneys General in Non-Profit Governance
Syllabus: The Role of the State Attorney General
State Attorneys General have always had some responsibility to review the operations of non-profit charities and foundations. Unlike like for-profit sectors of the economy, which answer to boards of directors and shareholders, Attorneys General often are the only entity with responsibility over non-profit charities and foundations. Particularly as non-profit organizations, such as hospitals, health insurers, and universities, contribute over $900 billion to the economy, the Attorney Generals’ increased use of that authority has taken on national significance.
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- Brice McKeever andSarah L. Pettijohn,The Nonprofit Sector in Brief(2014)
- Bob Carlson, Missouri, Assistant Attorney General,Chapter 12, Protection and Regulation of Nonprofits and Charitable Assets, State Attorneys General Powers and Responsibilities (2013)
- "A Guide to Charitable Trust Case Review: Bob Carlson, Missouri Assistant Attorney General and Hugh Jones, Hawaii, Assistant Attorney General. 2010
- Cohen, Rick, "Danger Sign: AGs Succumb to Special Interest Lobbying",Nonprofit Quarterly,November 3, 2014
- Various Charities Cases (2003 - 2017)
- Trump Foundation Articles (2016 – 2018)
- Trump Foundation Complaint (June 14, 2018) (supplemental reading)